The Transparency Act


Our Commitment to Transparency and Accountability: The Transparency Act at Frogner House

Frogner House is by definition a small business and therefore the Transparency Act does not apply to our company.

Despite this, we set high standards for ethical business practices and respect for human rights. We work to ensure that our business and our suppliers operate in accordance with the principles set out in the Transparency Act, which came into force on July 1, 2022.


Due diligence

As part of our work, we conduct an annual due diligence process to identify, prevent and mitigate risks of negative impacts on human rights and decent work in our value chain. This process includes the following steps:


  1. Mapping of risk areas:

We review all parts of our business, including the supply chain, to identify potential risk areas where human rights or labor conditions may be violated. This includes suppliers of goods and services.


  1. Assessment of risk:

Once risk areas have been identified, we conduct a thorough assessment of the severity and likelihood of the risk. This is done both internally and by obtaining relevant information from third-party reports and partners.


  1. Measures to manage risk:

Based on our risk assessment, we implement necessary measures to prevent or limit risk. This includes reinforced contractual requirements for our suppliers, dialog with relevant actors, as well as training and guidance of our employees.

Since we are by definition a small company, we have chosen to outsource purchasing in order to be able to handle the trading of goods in accordance with the Transparency Act. Frogner House sees that we can make most of our purchases through the purchasing organization NORES. NORES is assessed and verified by a third party - Factlines. For more information: Supplier requirements (


  1. Monitoring and evaluation:

We follow up with evaluation to ensure that our measures are working as intended. This allows us to adapt our strategies and actions on an ongoing basis to improve the situation where necessary.


  1. Transparency:

We recognize the importance of collaborating with our stakeholders to ensure that human rights and working conditions are safeguarded at all stages of our value chain. We work closely with our suppliers, partners and other stakeholders to ensure that our values are shared and complied with across the entire supply chain.


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